The internet is great. You can find a lot of thing and topics for each person. In my personal case, I love the website http://www.greenpeace.cl/. Maybe isn`t the webside more funny, but is intersting from who want to know more abut the environment, the actual danger and the actions from help the plantet.
I discovered this webside with google. I wanna to know abut greenpeace and put this word in google, and puff!! I found this webside. =)
I visit greenpeace.cl frecuantly, 4 or 5 five times a week. Sadly, the uplate is little.
I like this webpage because it want to created awareness in the people.
I discovered this webside with google. I wanna to know abut greenpeace and put this word in google, and puff!! I found this webside. =)
I visit greenpeace.cl frecuantly, 4 or 5 five times a week. Sadly, the uplate is little.
I like this webpage because it want to created awareness in the people.
Here you can read about importan topics of general intersting like the global warming, the energy revolution and the news kind of energies know as “greenenergies”;
The web side give you information aobut the toxis, the genetically modified ( GM), the oceans and more.
There, the people can see a lot of exciting videos that can be to become the visionworld.
In the webside we find how can help the planet too, like “ the guide for saving energy”.
If you want, you can be member ( you give money one time each month), or voluunter, but to be voluunter is a process more complicate.
I hope thay you visit this website.
See u!
The web side give you information aobut the toxis, the genetically modified ( GM), the oceans and more.
There, the people can see a lot of exciting videos that can be to become the visionworld.
In the webside we find how can help the planet too, like “ the guide for saving energy”.
If you want, you can be member ( you give money one time each month), or voluunter, but to be voluunter is a process more complicate.
I hope thay you visit this website.
See u!
Hello Ju , I dont into in your favorite web side , but it is very interesting .
ResponderEliminarthis web site is fantastic, I hope everybody can visit some day... is really important.
ResponderEliminarHello Juli Juli!
ResponderEliminarI like Green Peace too.
Above all because they care for the animals in extintion danger, as whales and pandas.
And I like Animal Planet, and all to be releated to animal for me is interesting.
Regards Juli 'Luli'
the world is lost!!
ResponderEliminaronly enjoy the landscape
i like green peace!!
ResponderEliminaryour are menber ?
yes, im member of greenpeace... but who are you? xD