miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
It skill was made for all kind of people. Nobody is out f the technoloy revolution, and this way, the people see womans using vacuum cleaner in the house and a notebook in the job, or mans with a electric razor in a hand and a Ipod in the other hand. The cildrens plays with electrical games like the nintendo wii, or is common to see a big amount of people with a mp4 or a mobile phone.
The university life dont be out of this revolution. Everyday, the subject are been changing for better the education system in a technological world.
The use of the cumputers is the more important diference. The students can go to class with a personal computers and found information about the class, meanwhile he are listening the teacher. With this system, was born the posibility for do two things in the same time, but about the same topyc. The mind of the students is opening for found more elements and to increase his knowleadge.
In the Public administration career we can use our notebooks in the class. The computers of the government school are used in a lot of subject, you can find it between english class and the stadistics class.
For example, in the english class we use the technologic of the internet for write this blogs and practice about the lenguage.
In the basic stadistics course, we used the SPSS, ( stadistic programs of sciences socials), also use other basic programs like excel or word.
The more big of the pc was in the Science theory class. The teachers love the notebooks in his class for found more information and complement the class.
We have a lot of presentation and we used the power point too. The computers is the more important technologic artifact in our own university life, but I think is important to incluided it in other subjects. Maybe we can have a programs for each subject because I believe that is more easy to learn when you work about it, I want to say that you have more information when yoy find that when you listen.
The technology should use in the correct form and not just for play. Is a really good skills for increase the culture, for example , you can talk with people around the world and its good for learn different lenguages. A public mannagment need to know about lenguage for to know others cultures and have knowledges about it. Its is important for use this knowledges in ours nationals problems.
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
However, the peoples said that the bureaucracy is slow, it situation happened because the process is very rigorous with the legal formality. Again we have a problems where to chose between two options, like the legality and the efficacy or speed. The solutions is have people more trained and professionals with a knowledge about laws and formalities because if you don’t know about it, the time is waste.
I think the public administration needs to be more “green”, for example, what happened with all the paper used ? Have the information in computers is more save and use a little space also is more ecological because it don’t use paper that increase the garbage.
The people who work in it discipline should know that work with people and have values like the respect, the empathy, solidarity and tolerance, it is a good point for me because I think the human factor is elemental for this job.
It area is different of other for the same reason, other professional work for him, because he think in the money or the personal tastes. I mixed the personal satisfaction with the help to peoples, we work in the state like publics managements, and the state is the expression of the population needs.
The education of integrals people is important when you know that are working with the elements more important: the state and the persons.
I choose this career because I want work for the people and for my country.
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009
I don’t believe the matte palace would be a bad place, it just to need change some things like the bathrooms or the number of study rooms, but the problems is the space because the government school is very little. The administrations can be to star with repair the walls or the flood because it’s dangerous for the people, I think if we have an earth tremor, our buildings to collapse.
I don’t know how can resolve this situation because I don’t know the real situation. The information is a lot and it’s not confirmed.
If we going to Chemical faculty. Maybe we have better conditions and more space or green areas, but what happened if it buildings isn’t to rebuild? In this case our options is keep on the matte palace.
List with problems:
About problems academic the situation is more complicate. For example, the teachers should be quality.
The administration is slow and we need fast answer to our problems.
In the school yard we have bugs! A lot of green bugs like fungus, its so revolting. How we can eat with bugs in your back?. The administrations should be clean the yard.
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
My free time
The technology can increase the free time because it does a lot of activities with machines like the washing machine. If you clean the dish before, you can sleep now.
But the technology has bad point too. The internet is the best distractor when you should study. I believe it is more fun to play in facebook than read about macroeconomics. The study is possible if you know how to use the time with technology.
Frequently I have one day free in the week, the other four day are for studying and if you have luck you can sleep and eat. No, it’s no real. Just is necessary to have time organization, but it is hard when you are tired.
I manage my time in the weekend or the month. I have an agenda for doing it, it is very useful. When I put the activities on agenda is impossible to forget it. It is obviously! But sometimes I don’t put my activities on agenda, so I don’t use my time wisely. Next, the academic time is bigger than free time.
When I have free time I like to sleep or listening music meanwhile I rest on my bed. Sometimes, I meet with my friends and we go to mall for eating or just talking about the life. We go to parties some times too.
When I’m alone, I see movies, or play in my notebook. Others time I go to the swim pool or write. I read about ecologic news and I call phone to my home in Ovalle.
If I have more free time I would to enter an ecologic organization for do an activist, but I don’t have the time for do this dreams and to help the world.
I can dedicated more time to my family too because they live out of Santiago.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
This is a challenge for 20 students groups from America, Canada, Spain and German. I think is a great idea because you can find a lot alternatives news for take care our environment. The competion have between the options a project for mannagment the control light with a Iphone for who needs to make other activities. The university of minnesota`s created a project that looks like a rustic chalet, I believe is so cute.
Other options are approach on poor neighbourhoods in houston. It have a cost of $140000, a very efficient idea. But each team have $100000 to build the project.
Some teams had been working since 3 years ago and october 18 the will know to the winner.
The idea was made for the US department energy. I would like to make this project in our country because we have a lot of territory for do it, for example the atacama desert, Chile have a groups of goodengineer, but we listen always “ we havnt money for do it”. But this article show we can do “solar powered home sleek and cheap”.
You can see this article in the website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/green-living-blog/2009/oct/13/solar-decathlon
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
Sports and health
I believe this activity is great. Really is nice and funny, also is good for the health: the gym to prevent illness like obesity, hipertensión, or others problems connected with the heart or the choresterol. But is excellent for the concentration when we need to study. The sport avoid the depression too, because when we do exercise, our body is been releasing hormones for to be happy and more light.
The sport should be important for the society because it have a lot of benefits. In Chile we can find a lot of obesity because the people dont have a sport culture. Maybe the government must to do more campaign about the sport topyc like to show more kind of sport for all kind of people. For example, the swimming, cycling, yoga and long walk are sport soft for who need to do sport but have other kind of problems with your health. I believe this is possible if you want and ask a doctor before.
The football isnot the only one sport in aour country, we have more alternativies for choose.
I think that “ Rodeo a la Chilena” not is a popular sport because just a little part of population to practice it, so is considerated like a traditional game. I dont agree wit modified it because is like to change our traditions, but I agree with the idea about to give more support. But the others sport needs to support too.
To have a better life, is necessaty to erradicated some activities or excesses on the fast food, cigarretes, alcoholic drinks and drugs.
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009
Santiago is the Chile capital city. It’s the biggest city of the country. We can find a lot of places to visit and activities to do.
I know few places in Santiago, but I hope to visit more places in the future.
The foreign tourist should to visit “ La Moneda”, because is our government house and it have a beautiful architecture.
Other buildings with a great architecture are in neighborhoods like “ Bellas Artes” , “Lastarria” or “ quinta normal”.
The museum are important too, if you want to know Chile, Is necessary to know about the history of it before, so, you can go to the national history museum.
For the people who love the environment and the green areas can visit the forestall park, or the Ohiggins park, both are place to contact the nature. Too are pretty natural places the hills “ san cristobal” and “Santa lucia”. You must to look after your things of the thief…
For the entertainment in O`higginsPark is “ Fantasilandia”, a big park with games for all kind of persons. Too are the zoo in the santa lucia hill, you can go if you want some more peaceful.
You have diverse activities for do. If you can eat some, you should go to “Mercado central”. It have the most typical and cheap food of Chile.
For drink some, we can talk about “ la piojera” a popular bar in Independencia, a traditional town with funny people and delicious drinks like “terremoto”, is a little strong, so don’t drink a lot.
Bellavista is other good place. The architecture is nice and the services too. Here you can find restaurants, discotheques, pubs, bars and craft fairs. But sometimes not is safe, you must be careful.
I choose these places because are typical of Santiago and you can do a general vision of the city.
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009
I’m going to talk to you about music.
Music is great; it can change our spirit with pretty lyrics and a good rhythm. I love music. It have a important role in my life, I can’t leave home without my mp3.
I like all kinds of music, for example 80`s music, pop, rock, “reggeaton”, “cumbias” etc. My friends know about my music, is very varied.
I get my music from Ares; I search on internet. Sometimes I take music from friends’ computers or others Mp3, mp4, etc.
I don’t follow any groups or singers because I’m not a fan of any person; I like the songs, because the lyrics are more important for me.
When I’m studying, I can’t hear music because I sing and leave the study aside. But sometimes I study with songs without lyrics or with a language unknown to me, like French or Arabic.
I try to hear happy music all the time, because it gives more happiness and strength to have a smile everyday.
I just listen to sad music when I need to think about things, but I believe that doing it is useless. I prefer to hear happy music to be a happy person or a cheerful girl. After listening to sad music, I comeback to my happy world and I hear songs like “bonito” or “it’s my life”. But always it is music to change to a positive attitude.
I don’t believe music to fill my life because in the world we can find a lot of other great, things, emotions, persons and elements, like the friendship, the environment, etc. Music is a complement, but it can help a lot to improve your life.
Pd: I cant put a picture for this post :(
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009
I don’t know how the publics transport pre- transantiago system was because I didn’t live here.
So, I just write about the TranSantiago system actual. I think that the biggest problem of transantiago, is the bad distribution of buses. For example, some people can take the bus without wait, and if they have luck, the bus is empty.
In other places, the situation is absolutely different. We can find a log wait between buses and these buses are crowed. The subway is the same case generally in the mornings and the evening.
I can’t compare the experience, but my actual experience is not so bad. Some times is complicate to be in underground stations like “Los heroes”, about the 19:00 hours, because the amount of people is really big. Also, this amount is biggest in “los heroes” that in “escuela militar” I live is this last, so I believe because for this reason the transantiago no is too bad for me.
If I would change something of this transport system, I will put more buses, but I will try to use a “fuel green” for take care the environment. I think these buses are really dangerous for the air. Have did you see the cloud by the actual transport?Also, I will make better bus stop for the comfort. We can’t forget the pregnant woman, or the old people
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
I would like to go to
Because was the place when was born one of the civilization more big of the history, the Greeks, so you can visit the firsts arts and culture of humans expressions.
The architecture is greats and you can see it and to travels to other age. The buildings are famous around the world: catacombs, the Sistine chapel, specially, The coliseum, the biggest theater crowed of history and magic.
Too The language is good, in my opinion, is cheerful and sweet, and the language mix with music sounds great. The Italians songs are very happy.
My mother were to Is the best place in the world for me. When thinking about it, I want to finish the career soon.
I can go to study to
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
The Inauguration
I studied a lot of thing, since science theory until microeconomic, If I learned somtheing, is other topyc. But, really I learned some, like the mannagment of people, economics concepts, stadistics, and a lot of thing more. This knowledges are very useful for our career.
In my free time I watched TV, I usually movies, I chated, I played in my notebook, I went to the pool, I go out with my friends. My friends are a group of people called " chapi`s" ( it not have special meaning). We eat a lot of delicious food and go a party`s to dance. I love dance, for a time the dance was my only one sport. Actually I go to the gym two times a week.
When a I had more time and money, I could travel to Ovalle to be with my family.
About the challenges, I think tha the life is a big challenge in general, but I just had the academic challenges, specially with microeconomic, I didn`t have the necessary mark, but I gave a test, and passed the subject. It was great.
viernes, 3 de julio de 2009
Last post...
Hi, today is the last post day… What do you feel me feeling? I don’t know, I been so tired for think it…
I believe that my blog experience was good for the college, for to learn a little more. Is useful but is necessary to work a lot in the blogs because If you write one time a week, you don’t been reinforce the English language.
I enjoy it?? : Sometimes.
When I can speak about a nice topic was incredible, like the topics about the public’s policies: I talked about the environmental politics.
But is important to be sincere… some topics were so bored.
I think that is more complicated to write about sometime bored because I didn’t have motivation. On my opinion, could be easier to do a post with a free topic, and this situation happened in Spanish too.
The blog helped me to be more near of the language English but I used the same words frequently so I didn’t learn extra vocabulary, maybe a little group of words…
But to be more near of the language, use the English in real thing was a great advantage for the class and for me.
About the disadvantage, I think wasn’t strict because when you didn’t go class, you can do the post in the house. If you do the post in the house, you have more time (more that 90 minutes) and you can receive help of other persons like a friend with more knowledge about the language. I always did my owned post´s because I hate the copy.
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
I have to talk about mi idea In this job are necessary qualities like love for the environment. In the skills, you need to be a creative person for created awareness in the people, conviction power, energy and bravery for to confront to the enemies of the environment. Is necessary to have knowledge about the ecology too,knowledge about the environmental problems the causes of this and how to find a solution. I have that I would be good in this job because I have the skills and qualities necessary’s. This blog is a example of this, I always I trying to put some about the environment when the topics is different… Many people think that have this job is easy, but no anybody can enter to a important environmental organization, like for example, greenpeace. Is necessary go to meeting for then, to be quialified. Find this job is easy, but is complicate to enter because The reception of volunteers are one o two times in the year.
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
Blog´s Critique

Today, I’m going to be a critic of the juaninBlogs, specially, one post and the blogs decoration in general.
First, is important to remember that the environment minister hasn’t cabinet level.
Maybe, would be a great point to give statistics information for to know about the proximity between the reality and the theory, for example with the citizen participation. This because is fundamental to know if the population are informed about it really. I see the problems with Hydro Aysen and Pascualama , are a risk for the human life and the careful of the planet. But, who work for change this situation?
Star for gave information is a good way, go ahead with it Juanin!
About the blog in general, I like it; really, I would to have one like your blogs.
This has a lot of things like musical videos and a ranking musical that to make a blog more personal and near to the people.
The pictures are pretty and not are in excess. I just to change the letter color and the letter type.
You are doing a great work, but can be better, you must to continue in the same road.
I give you, 4 stars.
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
I listened a video called "Do schools kill creative" by Sir K.Robinson.
The means idea is that the creative is important in the education. He think that all children’s have a special talent, this special talent is the creative, then , he give different examples of this. The children’s are more specials because the not have fear to wrong.
The public system educational, give more importance to the mathematics that the dance for example, in the hierarchy of the schools, the art are down here. Robinson criticizes the schools and the university because this make a system just based in have a master or a doctorate.
An idea is that the intelligence is dynamic and interactive, of different kind, he spokes about a dancer that have problems in the school, but really, she needs to have to move for think.
I understand of the video, that in the world we can find people with a big talent, but they aren’t important in society because the haven’t a university master.
I liked the video because is important for to understand that everybody is different and to have problems in the schools no means have problems in the life.
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
My best friends =)

If I could...

If I could change some about the Chilean politics, I would change the environmental Chileans politics.
Chile has environmental politics, but we can see a big difference between the theory and the practice. For example, Conama make recycle programs, but in our country haven’t a recycle culture, so, are necessary make effectives programs that create a real motivation in the population.
In other countries everything are reuse. The garbage is separate depending of the kind: paper, glass, plastics and organic materials are the principal division.
The energies sources are prominent too. I thing that our country have a lot of resources for produced renewable energy, a clear case are the oceans in all our national territory, the Los Andes range, the bid amount of winter and the Atacama desert. These resources would use to make oceanic power, wind power or solar power respectively.
This would be very beneficial for our country: We would reuse the resources, so the economy could be better because we couldn’t waste indispensable material. We would used reusable things.
In the energies case, this would be healthier for everybody because the country would use power naturals.
Do you agree with me?? =)
martes, 12 de mayo de 2009
A green website!

I discovered this webside with google. I wanna to know abut greenpeace and put this word in google, and puff!! I found this webside. =)
I visit greenpeace.cl frecuantly, 4 or 5 five times a week. Sadly, the uplate is little.
I like this webpage because it want to created awareness in the people.
The web side give you information aobut the toxis, the genetically modified ( GM), the oceans and more.
There, the people can see a lot of exciting videos that can be to become the visionworld.
In the webside we find how can help the planet too, like “ the guide for saving energy”.
If you want, you can be member ( you give money one time each month), or voluunter, but to be voluunter is a process more complicate.
I hope thay you visit this website.
See u!
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
A song...

I have a lot of favorites songs, but I against the time with this task, so I’m going to choose a song by savage garden, it’s called “crush and burn”
I love this song because is about the friendship, about the support that we can find in the persons. Nobody is alone in the world. The friends are person very specials and necessary. I dedicated this song to my best friend.
I listened to this song in the radio or TV o lot of time and I liked the sounds, but I don’t know the meaning cause is complicate to me to understand the listening to English.
Someday, a friend send me this song by msn, he loves it! So I found the lyrics on internet. Was great! I loved it immediately too.
I feel good like when I listen to this song. I know that in the life have a lot of bad things (and other thins wonderful), but we can survive; we can fall down and return to wake up. Nothing is easy, but everything’s are surmountable. Is necessary to cry for come back to smile. I think that in this situations, a friend always being there and a really friend s somebody who permissive fall but to help you to star again. =)
The lyric is:
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
My dear friends : The notebook

I love the green technologic because it is concerned on the environment, so my favorite piece of technology is the ecology notebooks.
Actually, the notebooks are very important, I have one, but isn’t the ecology notebook. I use my notebook for do a lot of thing: make university works, chat with friends, listen music, watch TV, see movies, play, read the news, search information about the world and play karaoke (I have a karaoke program very fun).
I like this because a can do all of things!. My family is in Ovalle, so I can write mails about my life here without spend the minutes of my mobile phone.
I have this computer since March, this was mi birthday present, two months ago. I wanted the ecology notebook, but this not is here in Chile. Maybe arrive the next year….
I used the note every day because is necessary, sometimes I don’t turn off this because I’m tired and the next day some classmate said, for example: “you saw the English teacher mails?, today we have test”, and I don’t have any idea!!
The life without the notebooks would be very complicate because with the globalization is totally necessary. I couldn’t do this blog, the works would be more difficult because with the internet the information is near like a “click” and the time is more efficient, the communication would be more slowly and if this message is important could be terrible that not arrive to time.
But with thE ecology books could be more easy for everybody and for the environment. You can doing the same thing and protect your world. Is great!
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
The professionals of the public administrator work in the government majority of cases, and the government is the body that organized the republic for reach the common wealth. In my career, we can find the people who going to management the country.
Everybody needs tools to work in your area. From the administrator public are necessary tools like the leadership, the responsibility, empathy, intelligence, dynamism. The leadership is important when we are working with people under our post, so the responsibility is very important too for this and for have conscience about the job, because we will work with the future of our own nation and yours interests. Is vital being an empathy person for can to understand all kind of problems and reach a solution.
Personally, mi favorite subject is the environment, so I want work in an environmental institution, maybe CONAMA, or in a place like the environment ministry. It because I think that the more important subject in the life is take care the environmental for the simple reason that it is our only place to live.
martes, 21 de abril de 2009

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009
This blog was made for write about the take environment how I said before. But first, we need to know the meaning of this. The environment is simply "all about us", and for this reason I want give you information about the news, take care, maintenance and proposals for to build a new solution.
Actually, we be in the middle of a big problem: The warming global ( in other publication Im going talk you about it). Sadly, we have a worse situacion: The inconscience. Is very important know that all can be something for help our plantet.
The centralpoint is that the environmetaltrouble is bad for everybody and i hope tha you take aware conscience before that our world disappear. Do you agree with me? =)